Healthy teeth increase fitness, happyness and self confidence!



In the last three weeks I have seen the dentist many many times… three of the four soccergirls who came from Papua to live with us in Malang for the next two to three years have had tooth ache for a long time but obviously noone cared, cause nobody took them to a dentist … Four teeth looked like the one in the foto. I was wondering, how these girls coped with so much pain for such a long time. They were so afraid at the beginning when I mentioned that may be the dentist will pull out a tooth, because they have heard so many horrorstories about dentists and that pulling out a tooth would be so much pain and so on… but now, after it is done, they are so happy, cause the pain is gone and they can enjoy eating again.. they also can concentrate better in school and are fitter on the soccer pitch. Yesterday one of the girls got her front teeth fixed…they had black holes and looked not very nice, which is not good for self confidence…so after the treetment yesterday, the girl looked in the mirror and smiled with almost having tears of joy in her eyes…”thank you doc!”, she said to the dentist who did a great job… in some days the other front teeth will get fixed and then she will be confident again to show her teeth with big smiles!

Sometimes it only takes a little effort to make someone happy! And it takes a little bit love to help someone to get more self confidence… where there is motivation…there you will find a way…and sometimes the solution is not so difficult to figure out! Go for it…

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